Monday, September 13, 2010

Mind Over Matter (1)

In your lifetime you're guaranteed to get asked what your favorite super power is. For some it may be the general flying or invisibility. For me I would want the power of telekinesis. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects using nothing but your mind. This would come in handy in many ways in everyday life. Say you're late for a meeting and you can't find the keys. If you were telekinetic you could bring the keys to you in your thoughts and there they would be. Which really saves you the time and hassle. It would also come in handy if you had to move large, heavy objects. Instead of tiring yourself out by lifting something to heavy for you you can bring it straight over. Emergency situations especially can use telekinesis to their benefit. If there was a car crash or medical situation you could move the vehicles and bring medical supplies to the scene. This would increase the chances of survival for the victims because they don't need to wait for help to arrive. Instead it's there right away which saves critical time and money. There are numerous other powers that can be used daily to make life easier but telekinesis is one of the few that doesn't have major consequences to it.