Sunday, November 7, 2010

Piercing Eyes(6)

   I was officially lost. I sat alone on the steps of the old abandoned church, when suddenly I heard the rustling of a cloak. I could not see her but I knew it was a women by the big cloak she wore around her seemingly frail body.
   "Who's there?" I questioned. At my inquiry she pulled out a cigarette placing it between her frowning lips. She then lit a match, illuminating the dark night sky. As she sat there I couldn't help but notice those piercing eyes, aiming arrows straight into my soul. Eyes so full of confusion and anger, dark like a black hole waiting to swallow me up. As she wrapped her cloak tighter around her, I got a whiff of an alarming stench. Like a woman who had been scrummaging through garbage for even the slightest trace of food. Looking closer I noticed she had an awfully large nose, like a toucan. On either sides of her nose she wore worn leather in the place of cheeks. Odd. I had yet to restrain my eyes from her, yet all I got were quick glances. Until now. Now she had her gaze fixed upon me, as an owl would do. Not quite sure what to say I just stared back. Then I witnessed the faintest of smiles. Automatically reminding me of a curious old cat. Eventually she put out her cigarette and lay her head back on the hard cold stone. Despite the fact that I was sitting next to a perfectly good stranger, I strangely

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